About Us
Well this is unexpected! we generally have very few people come to this part of the store, humm oh well here goes. The chair your sitting on and the device your using has its origins in China “Made In China” is the cold hard fact of life, if you do a quick survey of your house or work place majority of the items will have its origins from China.
Anyone who we gets into business wont be able to avoid Chinese suppliers, no matter which vertical you go into you will end up talking and negotiating with a colossal army of Chinese vendors, that provide everything from furniture, clothing, rugs, tools, electronics, jewelry, toys and everything else under the sun.
What we found out very quickly was, we had a lot of vendors who had a lot of product, and unless the product was backed by a high quality brand the quality is usually unpredictable. The company you might be negotiating with, might just stop making the product altogether or just change strategy or the company might shift focus to something else entirely.
China is supposed to be a buyers paradise, anyone anywhere in the word should be able to buy anything He or She wants with a reasonable cost, China is a Gold Mine, but thats in an ideal world as a supplier you really have to dig to get what you are looking for, but why should you spend all that time digging when you have others to it for you.
Our mission is to sell the best quality Chinese products we can find, our teams in China, UAE and UK go through each and every product listed on this website meticulously, we make every effort to see the product being sold is the very best of quality and the best product the Chinese market has to offer.
Thank you for visiting Computer Cube and we wish to see you in upcoming electronics exhibitions worldwide.
Mr. M. Ahmed
Management & Operations
Computer Cube